Imperial Stormtroopers are first strike units that are sent into critical combat situations in support of both the Imperial Navy and Imperial Army. They are highly disciplined and are completely loyal to the Emperor, Stormtroopers will carry out their orders without hesitation and without concern to their own lives. Stormtroopers are independent of the Imperial Army and Navy chains of command, they have their own command structure and support facilities. If a situation warrants it and if the Stormtrooper Company Commander authorizes it, regular officers can be given command of Stormtrooper squads or platoons. Stormtroopers are deployed to neutralized resistance to the New Order and to ensure that lower officers stay true to the Emperor's vision.

They are often deployed and paraded in overwhelming numbers, the Stormtrooper legions are adept at manipulating the psychology of dominance while shielded by the eerie anonymity of their armour. If the Emperor issues an order, Stormtroopers will drop everything else to obey it. Totally loyal to the Empire, Stormtroopers cannot be bribed, seduced, pleaded with or blackmailed into betraying the Emperor, since they have been flawlessly moulded into mere extensions of the Emperor's will. In battle, Stormtroopers are disciplined to ignore casualties within their own ranks. Notice is only taken from a tactical standpoint. They are never distracted by emotional responses. They can be found anywhere that the Empire seeks to assert its power to inspire fear in the populace.

Stormtroopers are organized in a manner similar to the Imperial Army, however with varying quantities of troops, as their organization is distinct from that of the other armed forces. The basic element of Stormtrooper organization is the squad. Unlike the Imperial Army, the squad is the smallest independent operational unit. While organized into platoons, Stormtrooper squads are frequently assigned independent objectives. Stormtroopers are organized up to the corps level and anything above that level of organization of Stormtrooper forces is not well known.

These troops are not identified by name, but by number. Failure to comply with an order from a Stormtrooper to a civilian typically results in incarceration if not death. The Imperial Navy controls Stormtrooper training and assignments in the Imperial Starfleet, although the Imperial Army uses navy-trained troopers to precede their own ground forces. These troopers act as security troops or as honour guards for Imperial Dignitaries and ranking officials. They live in totally militaristic environment where obedience is paramount and the will of the Emperor is absolute. These grimly anonymous troopers use the might of their training and weaponry on any opposition to the Empire with utterly brutal efficiency. They are feared throughout the Known Galaxy and deeply feared opponents of Rebel troops and fighters. Stormtroopers are also sent to crush initial resistance and do the toughest fighting. Stormtrooper boarding parties are systematic and professional in taking charge of a captured starship.

In non-combat situations, Stormtrooper Officers wear a black tunic and cap. Their insignia-officer's disc, rank plaques and rank code cylinders conform to standards of the Imperial Navy. All Stormtrooper Officers are proven soldiers and in combat they wear armour like any other trooper. Every component of the Stormtrooper's armour and equipment is manufactured to the highest standards in the Galactic Empire. The armour lasts indefinitely and may still be found half-buried at decades old battle sites. The armour of these troopers is designed to keep the trooper operating at peak efficiency at all times. The brutal training and intense conditioning of Stormtroopers accounts for much of their power and effectiveness and also Imperial equipment plays a vital part in their role.